Getting More Prospects From Events


Marketing Event Planning

There is a wide range of marketing events that can help promote your service or product – everything from a large tradeshow to a smaller event, where you invite a select group of prospects. Regardless of the type of event, there are certain things you should do to make sure you maximize your efforts.

  • 1.) Pre-Event Marketing
  • Get the word out about the event early and often. Send an eblast, a postcard, or invite prospects personally, if possible. Place advertisements and utilize social media to help target the audience you are trying to reach.
  • 2.) Signups
  • Make sure you have multiple ways for people to register for the event. Consider online, phone or in-person signup methods. Make sure your signup process gathers relevant information to make post event follow-up more effective.
  • 3.) Take-Aways
  • This might include brochures, tchotchkes or handouts from the presentation. Be sure to provide prospects with information on how to contact you when they are ready to buy.
  • 4.) Network
  • Take time at the beginning and end of the event to speak with attendees. This will help make a connection with the audience and start the sales process in a non-threatening way.
  • 5.) Follow-up
  • Just because people attended the event doesn’t mean they will buy from you. Make sure you follow-up with attendees on a consistent basis. If you wait for people to call you, then you will miss out on a lot of business. There are too many distractions in people’s lives today to expect that they will automatically take the next step towards making a purchase.